Friday 4 August 2017

Dukascopy Mobile Media

Media mobile semplice - SMA. BREAKING GIÙ media mobile semplice - SMA. A media mobile semplice è personalizzabile in quanto può essere calcolato per un diverso numero di periodi di tempo, semplicemente aggiungendo il prezzo del titolo di chiusura per un certo numero di periodi di tempo e poi si divide il totale per il numero di periodi di tempo, che dà il prezzo medio del titolo nel periodo di tempo una media mobile semplice leviga la volatilità, e rende più facile per visualizzare l'andamento dei prezzi di un titolo Se il semplice movimento punti medi fino , questo significa che il prezzo della sicurezza s è in aumento Se è rivolto verso il basso significa che il prezzo della sicurezza s sta diminuendo più lungo è il periodo di tempo per la media mobile, il più agevole la media mobile semplice a medio-breve termine in movimento è più volatile, ma la sua lettura è più vicino alla sorgente di medie data. Analytical Significance. Moving sono uno strumento analitico importante utilizzato per identificare le tendenze dei prezzi attuali e il potenziale per un cambiamento in una tendenza consolidata la forma più semplice di utilizzare una media mobile semplice analisi è usando per identificare rapidamente se un titolo è in una tendenza rialzista o ribassista un altro popolare, seppur strumento analitico leggermente più complesso, è quello di confrontare un paio di semplici medie mobili con ogni coprono differenti frazioni di tempo se un semplice media a breve termine in movimento è al di sopra di un più lungo termine media, un trend rialzista dovrebbe D'altra parte, una media a lungo termine di sopra di una media a breve termine segna un movimento verso il basso nelle popolari modelli di trading trend. Popular Trading Patterns. Two che utilizzano semplici medie mobili includono la croce e la morte di un oro croce una croce morte si verifica quando il semplice movimento croci in media 50 giorni al di sotto della media mobile a 200 giorni questo è considerato un segnale ribassista, che ulteriori perdite sono in serbo la croce d'oro si verifica quando un a breve termine in movimento pause medie di sopra di un lungo termine media mobile rinforzato da volumi di scambio elevati, questo può segnalare ulteriori guadagni sono in store. This è una spiegazione della mia strategia di trading automatizzato per la Dukascopy JForex strategia Contest nel mese di aprile questa strategia appena fatto il suo primo commercio oggi dopo aver eseguito per circa 72 ore mia conto concorso demo si è chiuso con un guadagno di 7 in questo primo commercio noti che questa strategia è costruita per competere in un concorso e non per la negoziazione vera e propria, vale a dire che s puramente un no scommessa costo Qui è il concetto per questa configurazione trading ad alta probabilità riferimento alla figura 1 sotto, la freccia rossa indica il mio ingresso a corto di EURGBP oggi Questi sono gli indicatori di analisi tecnica la uses. Trend strategia segnalata da 50 bar media mobile al di sopra o al di sotto rialzista ribassista il 200 bar in movimento average. Momentum ipervenduto o condizioni RSI di ipercomprato, ma non utilizzato in un manner. Volatility tradizionale che uso il canale Keltner per misurare l'azione volatility. Price osservare il comportamento candeliere di identificare la continuazione di tendenza questo è dove il segreto di questa strategia accade vi spiegherò questo below. Note che ho usato un fasce di Bollinger del grafico della figura 1 perché non potevo trovare l'indicatore Keltner Channel nella Metatrader mio software grafici E 'doesn t influenzare la mia illustrazione concettuale in ogni caso la tendenza generale setup. Identify via 50 200 medie mobili come spiegato prezzo above. Confirm è ancora giocando al trend controllando se il prezzo di mercato attuale è sul lato destro delle 200 barre di media mobile prezzo sopra per rialzista e sotto per bearish. Once i passaggi 1-2 sono in atto, si s assume che la tendenza è forte Cerchiamo un setup di tendenza s direzione in particolare, cerchiamo una configurazione controtendenza ritracciamento fallito utilizzando candeliere in combinazione con la fantasia Keltner channel. Sounds ma s semplice utilizzo di un esempio di breve lato, la barra s alto deve penetrare al di sopra del canale di Keltner ancora si chiude al suo interno Poi la voce di breve viene segnalato il contrario per un lungo lato entry. RSI condizioni di ipercomprato e ipervenduto sono utilizzati per filtrare lento e costante contro-tendenza si muove questi sono benefici evil. Another di utilizzare un canale di prezzo è che io uso anche al peg mio obiettivo take profit e stop loss come ho detto nel mio precedente post, perché Dukascopy si aspetta che i concorrenti vincente per presentare le loro codici sorgente, non sto usando niente di proprietà o straordinaria qui come tale, questo è totalmente diverso da quello che io uso per commercio per conto mio Vale a dire più affidamento su indicatori e meno su azione dei prezzi e management. Update rischio allora ho vinto il concorso strategia JForex un paio di volte se si sta cercando di imparare la programmazione JForex, si può iniziare con una spiegazione della mia strategia vincente e la mia lunga lista di messaggi JForex La strategia Contest Dukascopy JForex iniziato la scorsa settimana partire da questo mese, Dukascopy offre 15.000 totale di premi in denaro per i primi 10 sistemi di trading automatico ogni mese Tuttavia, prima di entrare, ci sono un paio di clausole nei loro regole del concorso che ha attirato la mia premi attention. Cash vengono depositati in concorrente s conto Dukascopy Ranking e il codice sorgente di Premiazione Regole 5.All deve essere presentata e accetta di essere pubblicati Classifica e Regole aggiudicazione 2 e 6. 1 è fastidioso perché significa vincitori sono per aprire un conto con Dukascopy se don t già un account con loro, ma che isn ta grosso problema dal momento che sono in realtà uno dei migliori broker forex ho pensato di aprire un conto con loro in ogni caso, tuttavia, 2 saranno sicuramente girare molte persone lontano L'obbligo di rivelare il codice sorgente in un contesto di trading automatico è quasi sconosciuta per quanto ne so Sei disposto a rivelare il sistema vincente solo per questo poche centinaia, o addirittura poche migliaia, di dollari di montepremi in ogni caso, ho deciso di entrare in questo contestare comunque solo per divertimento Eppure, si può essere sicuri che ho vinto t utilizzerò qualsiasi logica proprietaria nel mio sistema, infatti, ho appena finito la mia strategia di trading automatico oggi ed è ora in esecuzione vorrei discutere circa la mia strategia dopo aver completato la sua prima commercio che potrebbe richiedere un po 'come il mio sistema si prevede di fare meno di 5 mestieri in un month. Once C'era una volta, ero un documento che forex studente felice negoziati in Oanda per alcuni mesi e anche aperto un conto live con loro Poi il mio posto di lavoro rafforzato il nostro firewall Internet sul posto di lavoro non ho potuto più dati di mercato e coma durante il giorno Fortunatamente, Dukascopy al momento ha detto che ll essere, allo scambio di micro-sacco così ho spostato a praticare con Dukascopy Poi lo scorso fine settimana, Dukascopy ha detto di no micro-lotto di negoziazione sui loro conti Metatrader 4 mi trasferisco in un altro broker di nuovo la mia ultima fermata finora è a MB Trading Tuttavia, dopo aver praticato con loro per una settimana, mi sono ricordato perché io didn t andare con loro in primo luogo don t offrire canadese valuta conto denominato Fortunatamente, essi dicono che si ri nel processo di consentire più valute di conto ma chissà quanto tempo che potrebbe prendere mi gira la testa da tutto questo casino non penso che sto chiedendo troppo da un broker forex voglio solo cinque caratteristiche da them. good reputation. micro-lot trading. Metatrader platform. free API access. Canadian denominate in dollari conto currency. That è tutto Perché mi viene chiuso fuori ogni volta proprio quando sto per aprire un conto live On Oltre a questo problema, c'è la questione di quale piattaforma di trading di utilizzare Nel corso degli ultimi mesi, ho provato molti broker forex e le loro piattaforme di trading forex da proprietari come FXTrade Oanda, JForex Dukascopy, e Dealbook 360 GFT al popolare, di terze parti Metatrader 4 piattaforma ho deciso di risolvere con Metatrader 4 perché la sua creazione di grafici è sufficiente e scripting su di esso è abbastanza facile che ho imparato MQL4 MT4 s linguaggio di scripting in poche ore e ho scritto il mio primo EA in pochi giorni il problema con Metatrader 4 però, è Metatrader 5 script scritti per MT4 è incompatibile su MT5 Come ho intenzione di scambiare semi-automaticamente tramite consulenti esperti, questo è un problema enorme per me Non voglio iniziare a sviluppare per MT4 e solo per avere di convertire tutto quello che di nuovo mi pensavo di poter eludere questo dilemma MT4-MT5 con un non-americano broker forex Dukascopy come si ri più probabilità di rimanere con MT4 Ma ora che posso t commerciare con loro più, il mio miglior broker potenziale è MB Trading che è probabilmente l'aggiornamento a MT5 una volta che si è fuori Nota MT5 è costruito per nuove norme NFA, i broker in modo da americani probabilmente hanno aggiornare penso che ho avuto abbastanza mosse per ora quindi vite tutto questo mi concentrerò su l'apprendimento di programmazione Python per le prossime settimane in attesa di MB Trading di adottare conti in dollari canadesi o mi imbatto in un nuovo mediatore, e il duello tra Metatrader 4 e 5 è settled. Update 'doesn t guardare come se Dukascopy procederà con l'utilizzo di MT4 Quindi si potrebbe anche cercare un altro broker, se avete bisogno MT4 o imparare ad usare JForex se si ha intenzione di attaccare con Dukascopy Appena ricevuto la seguente notizia da Dukascopy allegato qui sotto per quanto riguarda i loro conti Metatrader in sostanza, si stanno alzando la loro sorte di dimensione minima sui conti MT4 abilitati ad un mini-lot 10k Micro-lot 1000 unità di trading rimane esclusivo alla loro base JForex rappresenta solo Beh, perché le cattive notizie continuano ad arrivare a me solo quando ho m in procinto di andare a vivere con un broker di forex Prima era Oanda, anche se il problema era al mio fine con loro, poi Dukascopy non c'è nessun modo I m in grado di commerciare con un mini-molto a causa delle mie rigide regole di gestione del rischio Quindi mi sento di essere bloccato con la piattaforma JForex per un po 'se ho intenzione di commerciare con loro mi piace la piattaforma JForex E' semplice, pulito, facile da usare, e potente Tuttavia, Metatrader è solo sostanzialmente più popolare ci sono centinaia di script gratuiti, gli indicatori e consulenti esperti pubblicato a per me per modificare a mio piacimento Se vado con JForex, io d devo scrivere tutto da zero Il punto intero di me usando un editor integrato è quello di risparmiare tempo in modo tanto valeva programma in Python e usare un'API se ho bisogno di passare attraverso l'apprendimento JForex scripting, programmazione, e testare quanto mi piace Dukascopy 35 riduzione della Commissione di affiliazione link. I non può essere passare attraverso di commerciare con loro più Peccato, davvero. Caro BetaTester, A partire da Domenica 07 02 2010 Dukascopy Suisse SA SWFX MetaTrader 4 piattaforma non sosterrà il commercio di importo Trading minima 0 01 posizione frazionaria su piattaforma MT4 sarà 10.000 0 10 unità di valuta base su tutte le coppie di valute disponibili tutte le posizioni con gli importi meno di requisito minimo - verrà chiuso da Dukascopy Suisse SA il personale del tasso di mercato Se si desidera chiudere quelle posizioni da soli si prega di farlo prima del 22 00 GMT 05 02 2010 In futuro per la negoziazione su LIVE e conti demo MetaTrader4 la quantità minima sarà rimangono come 10.000 unità di valuta base Dukascopy Suisse SA continuerà ad offrire quantità minima di trading di 1.000 unità per i commercianti che utilizzano unica piattaforma JForex senza possibilità di negoziazione su piattaforma MT4 Se avrete ulteriori domande non esitate a contattarci Dukascopy per riguarda l'assistenza, Dukascopy Suisse SA ICC, route de Pré-Bois 20 1215 Ginevra 15 Svizzera. Neuro dollaro ha R1 di 1 0670 e S1 di 1 0640 nI primi due livelli di resistenza hanno entrambi 5 conferme R1 è una banda superiore di Bollinger e 100 giorni di media mobile e R2 è un indicatore di canale di prezzo superiore dei messaggi R3 3 partite, tra cui una 150 giorni di media mobile S2 è confermata da 20 giorni di media mobile e 8 più modelli S3 segue con 6 conferme, tra cui una di Bollinger inferiore banda, linea di un indicatore di canale di prezzo più basso e un livello psicologico S1 ha un 50 giorni in movimento media tra i suoi 3 partite nSuccess up è il dollaro sterlina, che si frappone tra R1 di 1 2250 S1 di 1 2160 nR1 ha trovato 5 partite R2 e R3 hanno 3 e, rispettivamente, 2 conferme la seconda linea è di 20 giorni di media mobile e R3 è raggiungibile in 50 giorni di media mobile S1 è vicino a 13 studi alternativi ed entrambi S2 e S3 hanno 2 conferme seconda linea è la linea un indicatore del canale prezzo più basso e S3 è un Bollinger banda inferiore nDollar Yen ha i livelli più vicini di 115 nella resistenza e 114 50 in sostegno nBollinger fascia superiore e canale di prezzo indicatore di linea superiore entrambi sono tra i 5 conferme per R2 R1 è un livello psicologico con un totale di 4 partite e ci u2019s un solo conferma R3 tutti i livelli e tre di supporto hanno trovato un numero pari di 8 partite S2 è una media mobile 50 giorni e S3 è un movimento nE media 20 giorni durare fino è il dollaro franco svizzero, che si trova al di sotto R1 di 1 0110 e, soprattutto, S1 di 1 0060 nR1 porta a resistenza con 14 conferme R2 segue con 7 partite, tra cui una banda superiore di Bollinger e una indicatore canale di prezzo riga superiore R3 è un alto di 4 anni con un totale di 5 conferme una media mobile 100 giorni è tra i 7 conferme per S1 S2 è confermato da un Bollinger banda inferiore, a livello psicologico e 2 più modelli messaggi S3 3 partite e si u2019s sia un indicatore di riga inferiore del canale dei prezzi e di 150 giorni di media mobile u2019m nI Jessica Walker e vi sono già stati a guardare il sostegno e la relazione livello di resistenza per Martedì Noi ll be back domani con la relazione successiva, in modo da vedere allora, lingua en classe tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support e Resistance. Support e Resistance. Tue, Mar 14, 07 58.This è il supporto e resistenza livello segnala Dukascopy, dove abbiamo ll vedere come i nostri modelli test in-casa fuori il Martedì Euro dollaro è R1 di 1 0670 e S1 di 1 0640 I primi due livelli di resistenza entrambi hanno 5 conferme R1 è una banda superiore di Bollinger e 100 giorni di media mobile e R2 è un indicatore del canale di prezzo superiore dei messaggi R3 3 partite, tra cui di 150 giorni di media mobile S2 è confermata dal 20 giorni di media mobile e 8 più modelli S3 segue con 6 conferme, tra cui una di Bollinger inferiore banda, linea di un indicatore di canale di prezzo più basso e un livello psicologico S1 ha una media mobile a 50 giorni tra i suoi 3 partite prossimo è il dollaro Pound, che si erge tra R1 di 1 2250 S1 di 1 2160 R1 ha trovato 5 partite R2 e R3 hanno 3 e, rispettivamente, 2 conferme La seconda linea è di 20 giorni di media mobile e R3 è raggiungibile in 50 giorni di media mobile S1 è vicino 13 studi alternativi e sia S2 e S3 sono dotati di 2 conferme seconda linea è la linea un indicatore del canale prezzo più basso e S3 è un Bollinger banda inferiore Dollaro Yen ha i livelli più vicini di 115 a resistenza e 114 50 a sostegno Bollinger indicatore di banda e il canale di prezzo superiore riga superiore entrambi sono tra i 5 conferme per R2 R1 è un livello psicologico con un totale di 4 partite e non c'è una sola conferma R3 tutti i livelli e tre di supporto hanno trovato un numero pari di 8 partite S2 è raggiungibile in 50 giorni di media mobile e S3 si trova a 20 giorni in movimento medi e durare fino è il dollaro franco svizzero, che si trova al di sotto R1 di 1 0110 e, soprattutto, S1 di 1 0060 R1 conduce a resistenza con 14 conferme R2 segue con 7 partite, tra cui una banda superiore di Bollinger e una linea superiore indicatore del canale di prezzo R3 è a 4 anno alto con un totale di 5 conferme una media mobile 100 giorni è tra i 7 conferme per S1 S2 è confermato da un Bollinger banda inferiore, a livello psicologico e 2 più modelli messaggi S3 3 Risultati ed è sia un indicatore del canale di prezzo riga inferiore e una media mobile 150 giorni I m Jessica Walker e vi sono già stati a guardare il sostegno e la relazione livello di resistenza per Martedì Noi ll be back domani con la prossima relazione, così vediamo then. 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Neuro Dollaro si trova attualmente tra R1 di 1 0710 e S1 di 1 0660 NR1 è una linea superiore indicatore del canale di prezzo con un totale di 5 conferme R2 segue con 3 partite e u2019s nei pressi di 150 giorni di media mobile R3 è un livello psicologico e ha un totale di 2 conferme S2 porta a sostegno di 12 partite, tra cui 20 giorni di media mobile S3 segue con 5 conferme e u2019s un Bollinger inferiore banda, linea di un indicatore di canale di prezzo più basso e un livello psicologico messaggi S1 3 partite e u2019s Backed da 100 giorni di media mobile e un Bollinger banda superiore nIl cavo ha R1 di 1 2190 e S1 di 1 2140 nR1 è vicino a 8 studi alternativi R2 e R3 hanno entrambi 5 conferme e il livello più alto è un 50 giorni in movimento indicatore medio del canale Prezzo la linea inferiore è una delle 7 conferme per S1 S3 ha un livello psicologico tra i suoi 3 partite e Bollinger banda inferiore è uno dei 2 conferme per S2 nDollar Yen commercia sotto R1 di 115 e sopra S1 di 114 60 nI primi due livelli di resistenza hanno 4 partite ogni R1 è un livello psicologico ed R2 è una linea superiore indicatore del canale di prezzo R3 è un alto 12 mesi, con un totale di 3 conferme S2 è sostenuta da una 50 giorni di media mobile e altri 5 modelli S1 segue con 5 conferme e solo una media mobile 100 giorni è vicino S3 nE dollaro franco svizzero ha i livelli più vicini di 1 0110 nella resistenza e 1 0060 a sostegno nR1 conduce a resistenza con 12 conferme R2 segue con 7 partite e u2019s sia una banda superiore di Bollinger e un canale di prezzo indicatore riga superiore R3 è un alto quattro anni ed ha un totale di 5 conferme S1 è sostenuta da una 100 giorni di media mobile e altri 5 modelli S2 ha un Bollinger inferiore band e un livello psicologico tra i suoi 4 conferme e 2 studi sono vicino S3, che è di 150 giorni di media mobile u2019m nI Kiays Khalil e che è tutto per il supporto Lunedi s e una panoramica livello di resistenza check indietro nel domani, quando il prossimo rapporto sarà disponibile Addio, lingua en classe tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support e Resistance. Support e Resistance. Mon, 13 marzo, 08 team di 05.The Dukascopy TV è tornato con un altro supporto e resistenza livello segnala s Ecco come i nostri test modello in-casa fuori questo Lunedi Euro Dollar attualmente si trova tra R1 di 1 0710 e S1 di 1 0660 R1 è una linea superiore indicatore del canale di prezzo con un totale di 5 conferme R2 segue con 3 partite e dintorni di di 150 giorni di media mobile R3 è un livello psicologico e ha un totale di 2 conferme S2 porta a sostegno di 12 partite, tra cui un 20 giorni media mobile S3 segue con 5 conferme e SA Bollinger fascia inferiore, la linea un indicatore di canale di prezzo più basso e un livello psicologico S1 messaggi 3 Risultati ed è sostenuta da 100 giorni di media mobile e un Bollinger superiore banda Il cavo ha R1 di 1 2190 e S1 di 1 2140 R1 è vicino a 8 studi alternativi R2 e R3 entrambi hanno 5 conferme e il livello più alto è un 50 giorni in movimento linea dell'indicatore canale media prezzo più basso è uno dei 7 conferme per S1 S3 ha un livello psicologico tra i suoi 3 partite e Bollinger inferiore band è una delle 2 conferme per S2 Dollaro Yen commercia sotto R1 di 115 e sopra S1 di 114 60 i primi due livelli di resistenza hanno 4 partite ogni R1 è un livello psicologico e R2 è un indicatore del canale di prezzo superiore linea R3 è un alto 12 mesi, con un totale di 3 conferme S2 è sostenuta da una 50 giorni di media mobile e altri 5 modelli S1 segue con 5 conferme e solo una media mobile 100 giorni è vicino S3 e dollaro franco svizzero ha i livelli più vicini di 1 0110 nella resistenza e 1 0060 a sostegno R1 conduce a resistenza con 12 conferme R2 segue con 7 partite e s sia una banda superiore di Bollinger e una linea superiore indicatore del canale di prezzo R3 è un alto quattro anni ed ha un totale di 5 conferme S1 è sostenuta da 100 giorni di media mobile e altri 5 modelli S2 ha un Bollinger inferiore band e un livello psicologico tra i suoi 4 conferme e 2 studi sono vicino S3, che è una media mobile a 150 giorni I m Kiays Khalil e che s tutti per il supporto Lunedi s e una panoramica Resistenza Controllare il livello indietro nel domani, quando il prossimo rapporto sarà disponibile Goodbye. 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Neuro dollaro ha R1 di 1 0620 e S1 di 1 0580 NR1 è confermato da un 50 giorni di media mobile e altri 5 modelli R2 e R3 hanno 3 e, rispettivamente, 2 partite La seconda linea è un 100 giorni di media mobile e una banda superiore di Bollinger e R3 è una linea superiore indicatore del canale di prezzo S1 porta in appoggio con 10 conferme, tra cui 20 giorni di media mobile un Bollinger banda inferiore è una delle 7 partite per S2 e 5 studi sono vicino S3, che è sia a livello psicologico e di un canale di prezzo indicatore riga inferiore nIl cavo si trova al di sotto R1 di 1 22 e sopra S1 di 1 2140 nR1 ha trovato 7 partite R2 messaggi 2 conferme e u2019s 100 giorni di media mobile La linea di resistenza più alta è a livello psicologico S1 ha trovato 5 partite e sia Bollinger inferiore band e una linea indicatore del canale di prezzo inferiore sono tra loro S3 è un livello psicologico, con un totale di 3 conferme e 2 studi alternativi sono vicino S2 nDollar Yen ha i livelli più vicini di 115 60 nella resistenza e 115 10 a sostegno Nr2 è un 12 mesi alto e ha un totale di 3 partite R1 segue con 2 conferme e R3 è un livello psicologico S3 è il livello di supporto più confermato con 6 conferme, tra cui 20 giorni di media mobile S1 e S2 entrambi hanno 5 partite la prima linea è nei pressi di una banda superiore di Bollinger, una linea superiore indicatore del canale dei prezzi e di un livello psicologico S2 è confermata da 50 giorni di media mobile nE Dollaro Franco svizzero scambi tra R1 di 1 0160 e S1 di 1 01 Nboth una banda superiore di Bollinger e un indicatore di canale di prezzo riga superiore sono tra le 8 conferme per R1 R3 è un alto di 4 anni con un totale di 6 partite e ci u2019s solo una singola partita per R2 S1 porta in appoggio con 7 conferme S2 e S3 hanno 5 e, rispettivamente, 4 partite La seconda linea è 100 giorni di media mobile e S3 è al tempo stesso un livello psicologico e un Bollinger banda inferiore nI u2019m Jessica Walker e vi sono già stati a guardare il supporto e resistenza livello segnala per Venerdì Noi ll essere di nuovo il Lunedi con la panoramica prossimo, ma fino ad allora, addio , lingua en classe tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support e Resistance. Support e Resistance. Fri, 10-mar-07 55.It s tempo per questa settimana s ultimo supporto Dukascopy e Relazione livello di resistenza Qui s Come i nostri test modello in-house out euro dollaro ha R1 di 1 0620 e S1 di 1 0580 R1 è confermato da un 50 giorni di media mobile e altri 5 modelli R2 e R3 hanno 3 e, rispettivamente, 2 partite La seconda linea è un 100 giorni di media mobile e una banda superiore di Bollinger e R3 è un prezzo indicatore del canale linea superiore S1 porta in appoggio con 10 conferme, tra cui 20 giorni di media mobile un Bollinger banda inferiore è una delle 7 partite per S2 e 5 studi sono vicino S3, che è sia a livello psicologico e una linea indicatore del canale di prezzo più basso il cavo si trova al di sotto R1 di 1 22 e sopra S1 di 1 2140 R1 ha trovato 7 partite R2 messaggi 2 conferme e sa 100 giorni di media mobile la linea di resistenza più alta è a livello psicologico S1 ha trovato 5 partite e sia Bollinger banda inferiore e un indicatore di canale di prezzo riga inferiore sono tra loro S3 è un livello psicologico, con un totale di 3 conferme e 2 studi alternativi sono vicino S2 Dollaro Yen ha i livelli più vicini di 115 60 nella resistenza e 115 10 a sostegno R2 è un alto di 12 mesi e ha un totale di 3 partite R1 segue con 2 conferme e R3 è un S3 livello psicologico è il livello di supporto più confermato con 6 conferme, tra cui 20 giorni di media mobile S1 e S2 entrambi hanno 5 partite la prima riga è vicino a una Bollinger superiore band, una linea superiore indicatore del canale dei prezzi e un S2 livello psicologico è confermato da un 50 giorni di media mobile e dollaro franco svizzero scambia tra R1 di 1 0160 e S1 di 1 01 sia una banda superiore di Bollinger e una linea superiore indicatore del canale di prezzo sono tra le 8 conferme per R1 R3 è un alto di 4 anni con un totale di 6 partite e c'è solo una singola partita per R2 S1 porta in appoggio con 7 conferme S2 e S3 hanno 5 e, rispettivamente, 4 partite La seconda linea è un 100 giorni in movimento media e S3 è sia a livello psicologico e un Bollinger inferiore banda I m Jessica Walker e vi sono già stati a guardare il supporto e resistenza livello segnala per Venerdì Noi ll essere di nuovo il Lunedi con la panoramica prossimo, ma fino ad allora, goodbye. 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Neuro dollaro ha registrato un andamento del Sud e u2019s attualmente situato tra R1 di 1 0560 e S1 di 1 05 nA 10 giorni di media mobile è uno dei 12 conferme per R1 R2 è una media mobile a 50 giorni, con un totale di 7 partite e 4 studi sono vicino R3, tra una media mobile 100 giorni e una banda superiore di Bollinger S1 è ben confermata con 8 partite e u2019s vicino a una Bollinger fascia inferiore, un indicatore di canale di prezzo inferiore pegno e un livello psicologico S3 è a 4 anni di bassa e ha per un totale di 5 partite e ci u2019s un solo conferma per S2 nIl cavo è scambiato nel range limitato da R1 di 1 2180 e S1 di 1 2140 Nr2 conduce a resistenza con 7 conferme R3 messaggi 5 partite e ci sono 3 studi alternativi vicino R1, che è un indicatore del canale Prezzo banda inferiore di Bollinger riga inferiore è uno dei 4 conferme per S1 S3 è a livello psicologico e ha un totale di 3 partite e ci u2019s un solo conferma per S2 nDollar Yen ha visto un recente aumento, che lascia sotto R1 di 114 90 e sopra S1 di 114 10 nR1 è prossimo 6 studi alternativi, comprendenti una linea di canale di prezzo spia superiore, a livello psicologico e una banda superiore Bollinger R3 è un alto di 12 mesi per un totale di 4 conferme e ci u2019s solo una singola partita per R2 Tutti e tre i livelli della cena hanno un numero uguale di 6 partite La prima riga è una media mobile 50 giorni, S2 si trova a 20 giorni di media mobile e S3 è un Bollinger inferiore banda nE Dollaro Franco svizzero visto un leggero aumento, che lo mette tra R1 di 1 0170 e S1 di 1 0140 Nboth una linea superiore indicatore del canale dei prezzi e di una banda superiore di Bollinger sono tra i 7 conferme per R1 R3 è un alto di 4 anni con un totale di 5 partite e una sola studio è vicino R2 S1 porta in appoggio con 13 partite S3 e S2 hanno rispettivamente 8 e 7 conferme e la linea più basso è un 100 giorni di media mobile u2019m nI Kiays Khalil e che è tutto per il supporto Giovedi s and report livello di resistenza, ma fare clic su indietro per questa settimana u2019s scorso panoramica Addio, lingua en classe tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support e Resistance. Support e Resistance. Thu, 9 marzo, 08 25.It s tempo per Giovedi s Supporto Dukascopy e Relazione livello di resistenza, in cui si ll vedere come la nostra in-house test modello su Euro dollaro ha registrato un andamento del Sud ed è attualmente situato tra R1 di 1 0560 e S1 di 1 05 una media mobile 10 giorni è uno dei 12 conferme per R1 R2 è una media mobile a 50 giorni con un totale di 7 partite e 4 studi sono vicino R3, tra cui 100 giorni di media mobile e un Bollinger Band superiore S1 è ben confermata con 8 partite e dintorni di un Bollinger fascia inferiore, un indicatore di canale di prezzo inferiore pegno e un livello psicologico S3 è un 4 anni basso ed ha un totale di 5 partite e c'è solo una singola conferma per S2 il cavo è la negoziazione di gamma limitata da R1 di 1 2180 e S1 di 1 2140 R2 conduce a resistenza con 7 conferme R3 messaggi 5 partite e ci sono 3 studi alternativi vicino R1, che è un indicatore del canale Prezzo banda inferiore di Bollinger inferiore linea è uno dei 4 conferme per S1 S3 è un livello psicologico e ha un totale di 3 partite e non c'è una sola conferma per S2 Dollaro Yen ha visto un aumento di recente, che lascia sotto R1 di 114 90 e al di sopra S1 di 114 10 R1 è vicino a 6 studi alternativi, tra cui una linea di canale di prezzo indicatore superiore, a livello psicologico e una banda superiore di Bollinger R3 è un alto 12 mesi con un totale di 4 conferme e c'è solo una singola partita per R2 Tutti e tre i livelli della cena hanno un numero uguale di 6 partite La prima riga è una media mobile 50 giorni, S2 si trova a 20 giorni di media mobile e S3 è un Bollinger Band inferiore e Dollaro Franco svizzero visto un lieve aumento, che lo mette tra R1 di 1 0170 e S1 di 1 0140 sia una linea superiore indicatore del canale dei prezzi e di una banda superiore di Bollinger sono tra i 7 conferme per R1 R3 è un alto di 4 anni con un totale di 5 partite e solo un singolo studio è vicino R2 S1 porta in appoggio con 13 partite S3 e S2 hanno rispettivamente 8 e 7 conferme e la linea più basso è una media mobile 100 giorni I m Kiays Khalil e che è tutto per il supporto e resistenza Giovedi s livello relazione, ma non fare clic su indietro per questa settimana s ultima panoramica Goodbye. 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Nfirst up è il Dollar Euro, che si trova al di sotto R1 di 1 0570 e, soprattutto, S1 di 1 0540 NR1 è confermato da 10 giorni di media mobile e altre 11 modelli di messaggi R2 7 partite e u2019s 50 giorni di media mobile R3 ha una Bollinger superiore band e una media mobile 100 giorni tra i suoi 3 partite S2 messaggi 7 conferme, tra cui un livello psicologico, un Bollinger inferiore band e un indicatore di canale di prezzo riga inferiore S1 e S3 hanno entrambi 5 partite e la linea più basso è a 4 anni di bassa Dollaro nPound è il commercio nella gamma limitata da R1 di 1 2210 e S1 di 1 2170 nBollinger banda inferiore è uno dei 7 conferme per R1 R2 e R3 entrambi hanno 5 partite e la linea più alta è stata confermata la ya 100 giorni di media mobile S1 e S3 hanno 3 conferme ogni S1 è la linea di un indicatore di canale di prezzo più basso e S3 è un livello psicologico ci sono 2 studi vicino S2 nDollar yen è R1 di 114 20 e S1 di 113 40 nR1 è sostenuta da 50 giorni di media mobile e altri 5 modelli R2 ha una linea superiore indicatore del canale dei prezzi e di un livello psicologico tra i suoi 4 conferme e ci u2019s solo una singola partita per R3 S1 porta in appoggio con 4 partite e u2019s 20 giorni di media mobile S2 e S3 hanno entrambi 3 conferme La seconda linea è un 100 giorni di media mobile e S3 è un Bollinger inferiore a banda nE l'ultima coppia di questa relazione è il dollaro franco svizzero, che ha R1 di 1 0160 e S1 di 1 0110 nR1 e R3 entrambi hanno 6 conferme la prima linea è confermata da un Bollinger banda superiore e una linea superiore indicatore del canale dei prezzi e R3 è un alto quattro anni ci u2019s solo una singola partita per i messaggi R2 S2 9 conferme e u2019s 100 giorni di media mobile S1 segue con 8 partite e 4 studi sono vicino S3, che è a livello psicologico nI u2019m Jessica Walker e che è tutto per Mercoledì s report, ma fare Fai clic di nuovo domani Addio, lingua en classe tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support e Resistance. Support e Resistance. Wed, 08 mar 08 06.Let s vedere che cosa i livelli di supporto e resistenza delle 4 coppie di valute hanno su questo Mercoledì in base alla in-house modello Dukascopy il primo è il Dollar Euro, che si trova al di sotto R1 di 1 0570 e, soprattutto, S1 di 1 0540 R1 è confermato da 10 giorni di media mobile e altre 11 modelli R2 Post 7 partite e si sa 50 giorni in movimento media R3 ha una banda superiore di Bollinger e 100 giorni di media mobile tra i suoi 3 partite messaggi S2 7 conferme, tra cui un livello psicologico, un Bollinger inferiore band e un indicatore di canale di prezzo più basso linea S1 e S3 hanno entrambi 5 partite e la linea più basso è un 4 anni dollaro basso Pound è scambiato nel range limitato da R1 di 1 2210 e S1 di 1 2170 Bollinger Band inferiore è una delle 7 conferme per R1 R2 e R3 sia avere 5 partite e la linea più alta è confermata ya 100 giorni di media mobile S1 e S3 sono 3 conferme ogni S1 è linea di un indicatore di canale prezzo più basso e S3 è a livello psicologico ci sono 2 studi vicino S2 dollaro yen è R1 di 114 20 e S1 of 113 40 R1 is backed up by a 50 day moving average and 5 more models R2 has a price channel indicator upper line and a psychological level among its 4 confirmations and there s just a single match for R3 S1 leads in support with 4 matches and it sa 20 day moving average S2 and S3 both have 3 confirmations The second line is a 100 day moving average and S3 is a Bollinger lower band And the last pair for this report is the Dollar Swiss Franc, which has R1 of 1 0160 and S1 of 1 0110 R1 and R3 both have 6 confirmations The first line is confirmed by a Bollinger upper band and a price channel indicator upper line and R3 is a 4 year high There s just a single match for R2 S2 posts 9 confirmations and it sa 100 day moving average S1 follows with 8 matches and 4 studies are near S3, which is a psychological level I m Jessica Walker and that s all for Wednesday s Report, but do click back again tomorrow Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nThe first pair for this report is the Euro Dollar, which stands between R1 of 1 0620 and S1 of 1 0570 nR1 leads in resistance with 8 confirmations and it u2019s a 50 day moving average R3 posts 3 matches, including a Bollinger upper band There are 2 alternative studies are near R2, which is a 100 day moving average S1 has a total of 12 confirmations S2 follows with 7 matches and it u2019s a psychological level, a Bollinger lower band and a price channel indicator lower line S3 is a 4 year low with a total of 5 confirmations nThe Cable trades below R1 of 1 2250 and above S1 of 1 2210 nR2 is a yesterday u2019s high and it has 4 more confirmations R1 and R3 both have 4 matches The highest level is confirmed by a 100 day moving average and R1 is backed up by a Bollinger lower band A price channel indicator lower line is one of the 5 matches for S1 S3 is a 4 year low with a total of 4 confirmations S2 is a psychological level and it has a total of 3 matches nDollar Yen is trading in the range limited by R1 of 114 10 and S1 of 113 60 nR1 leads in resistance with 5 confirmations and it u2019s a 50 day moving average R3 posts 4 matches, including a price channel indicator upper line and a psychological level R2 has a Bollinger upper band among its 3 confirmations S1 has found 6 matches and both the S2 and S3 have 4 confirmations The second line is a 20 day moving average and S3 is a 100 day moving average nAnd last up is the Dollar Swiss Franc, which has R1 of 1 0150 and S1 of 1 0070 nBoth a price channel indicator upper line and a Bollinger upper band are among the 7 confirmation for R1 R3 is a 4 year high and it has a total of 6 matches R2 posts only a single confirmation There are 7 studies near S1, which is a 50 day moving average S2 follows with 6 matches, including a 100 day moving average S3 is a psychological level and it has a total of 5 confirmations nI u2019m Jessica Walker and you ve been watching the Support and Resistance Level Report for Tuesday Check back in tomorrow when the next report will be available , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Tue, Mar 07, 07 54.Find out how our in-house model tests out on Tuesday by watching the Dukascopy Support and Resistance level report The first pair for this report is the Euro Dollar, which stands between R1 of 1 0620 and S1 of 1 0570 R1 leads in resistance with 8 confirmations and it s a 50 day moving average R3 posts 3 matches, including a Bollinger upper band There are 2 alternative studies are near R2, which is a 100 day moving average S1 has a total of 12 confirmations S2 follows with 7 matches and it s a psychological level, a Bollinger lower band and a price channel indicator lower line S3 is a 4 year low with a total of 5 confirmations The Cable trades below R1 of 1 2250 and above S1 of 1 2210 R2 is a yesterday s high and it has 4 more confirmations R1 and R3 both have 4 matches The highest level is confirmed by a 100 day moving average and R1 is backed up by a Bollinger lower band A price channel indicator lower line is one of the 5 matches for S1 S3 is a 4 year low with a total of 4 confirmations S2 is a psychological level and it has a total of 3 matches Dollar Yen is trading in the range limited by R1 of 114 10 and S1 of 113 60 R1 leads in resistance with 5 confirmations and it s a 50 day moving average R3 posts 4 matches, including a price channel indicator upper line and a psychological level R2 has a Bollinger upper band among its 3 confirmations S1 has found 6 matches and both the S2 and S3 have 4 confirmations The second line is a 20 day moving average and S3 is a 100 day moving average And last up is the Dollar Swiss Franc, which has R1 of 1 0150 and S1 of 1 0070 Both a price channel indicator upper line and a Bollinger upper band are among the 7 confirmation for R1 R3 is a 4 year high and it has a total of 6 matches R2 posts only a single confirmation There are 7 studies near S1, which is a 50 day moving average S2 follows with 6 matches, including a 100 day moving average S3 is a psychological level and it has a total of 5 confirmations I m Jessica Walker and you ve been watching the Support and Resistance Level Report for Tuesday Check back in tomorrow when the next report will be available. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nFirst up is the Euro Dollar, which is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 0620 and S1 of 1 0570 nA 50 day moving average is one of the 7 confirmations for R1 R2 has 2 matches and a 100 day moving average is among them Only Bollinger upper band is near R3 S1 leads in support with 11 confirmations S2 follows with 8 matches, including a psychological level, a Bollinger lower band and a price channel indicator lower line S3 is a 4 year low with a total of 6 matches nThe Cable has the closest levels of 1 23 in resistance and 1 2270 in support nR2 is backed up by a 100 day moving average and 4 more models R1 posts 4 confirmations and 2 alternative studies are near R3, which is a psychological level Bollinger lower band is among the 6 matches for S1 S2 follows with 4 confirmations and it u2019s a price channel indicator lower line S3 is both a psychological level and a 3 month low nDollar Yen finds itself below R1 of 114 30 and above S1 of 113 60 nAll three resistance levels have an equal number of 4 confirmations The first line is a 50 day moving average, R2 is a Bollinger upper band and R3 is a price channel indicator upper line and a psychological level There are 6 studies near all three support levels Second line is close to a 100 day moving average and S3 is both a Bollinger lower band and a price channel indicator lower line nAnd the last pair for this report is the Dollar Swiss Franc, which has R1 of 1 0140 and S1 of 1 0070 nR1 has found 8 matches, including a Bollinger upper band and a price channel indicator upper line R3 is a 4 year high with a total of 5 confirmations and only a single study is near R2 S1 is confirmed by a 50 day moving average and 7 more models S2 posts 7 confirmations and it u2019s 100 day moving average S3 is a psychological level and it has a total of 4 matches nI u2019m Kiays Khalil and that s all for Monday s Support and Resistance Level Report We ll be back tomorrow with the next overview of key price levels, so see you then , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Mon, Mar 06, 07 00.It s a new trading week, and the Dukascopy TV team is back with another Support and Resistance Level Report Let s see how our in-house model tests out today First up is the Euro Dollar, which is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 0620 and S1 of 1 0570 A 50 day moving average is one of the 7 confirmations for R1 R2 has 2 matches and a 100 day moving average is among them Only Bollinger upper band is near R3 S1 leads in support with 11 confirmations S2 follows with 8 matches, including a psychological level, a Bollinger lower band and a price channel indicator lower line S3 is a 4 year low with a total of 6 matches The Cable has the closest levels of 1 23 in resistance and 1 2270 in support R2 is backed up by a 100 day moving average and 4 more models R1 posts 4 confirmations and 2 alternative studies are near R3, which is a psychological level Bollinger lower band is among the 6 matches for S1 S2 follows with 4 confirmations and it s a price channel indicator lower line S3 is both a psychological level and a 3 month low Dollar Yen finds itself below R1 of 114 30 and above S1 of 113 60 All three resistance levels have an equal number of 4 confirmations The first line is a 50 day moving average, R2 is a Bollinger upper band and R3 is a price channel indicator upper line and a psychological level There are 6 studies near all three support levels Second line is close to a 100 day moving average and S3 is both a Bollinger lower band and a price channel indicator lower line And the last pair for this report is the Dollar Swiss Franc, which has R1 of 1 0140 and S1 of 1 0070 R1 has found 8 matches, including a Bollinger upper band and a price channel indicator upper line R3 is a 4 year high with a total of 5 confirmations and only a single study is near R2 S1 is confirmed by a 50 day moving average and 7 more models S2 posts 7 confirmations and it s 100 day moving average S3 is a psychological level and it has a total of 4 matches I m Kiays Khalil and that s all for Monday s Support and Resistance Level Report We ll be back tomorrow with the next overview of key price levels, so see you then. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nFirst up is the Euro Dollar, which stands between R1 of 1 0560 and S1 of 1 05 nA 10 day moving average is one of the 13 confirmations for R1 R2 posts 7 matches and it u2019s a 50 day moving average R3 has 2 confirmations and a 100 day moving average is one of them Both psychological level and a price channel indicator lower line are among the 7 matches for S1 S3 is a 4 year low with a total of 6 confirmations and there u2019s just a single match for S2 nThe Cable has R1 of 1 2310 and S1 of 1 2240 nR3 is confirmed by a 100 day moving average and 6 more models Bollinger lower band is one of the 6 matches for R1 and 4 alternative studies are near R2, which is a 50 day moving average S1 posts 3 confirmations, including a price channel indicator lower line S3 is a psychological level with a total of 2 matches and only a single study is near S2 nDollar Yen is below R1 of 114 40 and above S1 of 113 80 nR3 leads in resistance with 5 confirmations, including a price channel indicator upper line and a psychological level R2 is confirmed by a Bollinger upper band and 2 more models R1 has 2 matches and a 50 day moving average is one of them S1 has found 7 matches, S2 follows with 6 confirmations and it u2019s a 20 day moving average A 100 day moving average is one of the 5 matches for S3 nAnd last up is the Dollar Swissie, which has R1 of 1 0150 and S1 of 1 0090 nR1 and R3 both have 6 confirmations The highest line is a 4 year high and R1 is both a Bollinger upper band and a price channel indicator upper line There u2019s just a single match for R2 S1 leads in support with 12 matches S2 posts 6 confirmations and it u2019s a 100 day moving average S3 is a psychological level and it has a total of 3 confirmations nI u2019m Kiays Khalil and that concludes the Support and Resistance Level Report for Friday As usual, we ll be back on Monday with the next review of the price levels Goodbye , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Fri, Mar 03, 08 21.Here s how our in-house Support and Resistance level model tests out on this last day of the trading week First up is the Euro Dollar, which stands between R1 of 1 0560 and S1 of 1 05 A 10 day moving average is one of the 13 confirmations for R1 R2 posts 7 matches and it s a 50 day moving average R3 has 2 confirmations and a 100 day moving average is one of them Both psychological level and a price channel indicator lower line are among the 7 matches for S1 S3 is a 4 year low with a total of 6 confirmations and there s just a single match for S2 The Cable has R1 of 1 2310 and S1 of 1 2240 R3 is confirmed by a 100 day moving average and 6 more models Bollinger lower band is one of the 6 matches for R1 and 4 alternative studies are near R2, which is a 50 day moving average S1 posts 3 confirmations, including a price channel indicator lower line S3 is a psychological level with a total of 2 matches and only a single study is near S2 Dollar Yen is below R1 of 114 40 and above S1 of 113 80 R3 leads in resistance with 5 confirmations, including a price channel indicator upper line and a psychological level R2 is confirmed by a Bollinger upper band and 2 more models R1 has 2 matches and a 50 day moving average is one of them S1 has found 7 matches, S2 follows with 6 confirmations and it s a 20 day moving average A 100 day moving average is one of the 5 matches for S3 And last up is the Dollar Swissie, which has R1 of 1 0150 and S1 of 1 0090 R1 and R3 both have 6 confirmations The highest line is a 4 year high and R1 is both a Bollinger upper band and a price channel indicator upper line There s just a single match for R2 S1 leads in support with 12 matches S2 posts 6 confirmations and it s a 100 day moving average S3 is a psychological level and it has a total of 3 confirmations I m Kiays Khalil and that concludes the Support and Resistance Level Report for Friday As usual, we ll be back on Monday with the next review of the price levels Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nEuro Dollar is currently trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 0550 and S1 of 1 05 nR1 leads in resistance with 11 studies, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 6 matches Bollinger Upper Band is among the 2 studies for R3 S1 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, a psychological level and 6 other models S3 is a 4 year low with 6 confirmations, and Bollinger Lower Band is among the 2 studies for S2 nThe Cable has been inching lower, and it currently has R1 of 1 2310 and S1 of 1 2270 nR2 is well confirmed with 11 models, including a 20 day moving average, and the lowest resistance line has found 3 matches R3 is a psychological level with 3 studies Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 3 models for S1, and S3 is a psychological level with 3 studies The second support line sees a single confirmation nDollar Yen, on the other hand, is on the rise, and it stands between R1 of 114 40 and S1 of 113 80 nR2 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, a psychological level and 2 other models, and R3 is a 12 month high with 4 studies R1 is confirmed by Bollinger Upper Band and a 20 day moving average S1 leads in support with 6 matches, and S2 is a 20 day moving average with 5 models S3 is supported by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band and 2 other studies nAnd Dollar Swiss Franc has the closest levels of 1 0110 in resistance and 1 0080 in support nThe lowest resistance line sees 7 confirmations R2 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, Bollinger Upper Band and 4 other studies, and R3 is a 4 year high with 6 models S1 is well supported with 13 studies, including a 50 day moving average, and the other two lines have found 2 matches each, including a psychological level for S2 and a 150 day moving average for S3 nI m Jessica Walker and that s how our in-house model tests out today Check back in tomorrow for the next overview Goodbye , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Thu, Mar 02, 08 03.Good morning traders, the Dukascopy TV team is here with the Support and Resistance Level Report for Thursday Euro Dollar is currently trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 0550 and S1 of 1 05 R1 leads in resistance with 11 studies, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 6 matches Bollinger Upper Band is among the 2 studies for R3 S1 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, a psychological level and 6 other models S3 is a 4 year low with 6 confirmations, and Bollinger Lower Band is among the 2 studies for S2 The Cable has been inching lower, and it currently has R1 of 1 2310 and S1 of 1 2270 R2 is well confirmed with 11 models, including a 20 day moving average, and the lowest resistance line has found 3 matches R3 is a psychological level with 3 studies Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 3 models for S1, and S3 is a psychological level with 3 studies The second support line sees a single confirmation Dollar Yen, on the other hand, is on the rise, and it stands between R1 of 114 40 and S1 of 113 80 R2 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, a psychological level and 2 other models, and R3 is a 12 month high with 4 studies R1 is confirmed by Bollinger Upper Band and a 20 day moving average S1 leads in support with 6 matches, and S2 is a 20 day moving average with 5 models S3 is supported by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band and 2 other studies And Dollar Swiss Franc has the closest levels of 1 0110 in resistance and 1 0080 in support The lowest resistance line sees 7 confirmations R2 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, Bollinger Upper Band and 4 other studies, and R3 is a 4 year high with 6 models S1 is well supported with 13 studies, including a 50 day moving average, and the other two lines have found 2 matches each, including a psychological level for S2 and a 150 day moving average for S3 I m Jessica Walker and that s how our in-house model tests out today Check back in tomorrow for the next overview Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nGreenback is up across the chart, and Euro Dollar has R1 of 1 0580 and S1 of 1 0550 nR1 leads in resistance with 10 models, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 4 matches Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 studies for R3 The highest support line sees 10 confirmations S2 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band, a psychological level and 3 other studies, and S3 is a 4 year low with 5 confirmations nThe Cable is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 2410 and S1 of 1 2350 nStanding at a 100 day moving average, R1 sees 8 confirmations R2 is a psychological level with 4 models, and Bollinger Upper Band is among the 2 studies for R3 S3 leads in support with 4 models, including a 4 year low, whereas S1 counts Price Channel Indicator Lower Line among its 3 matches The second line sees a single confirmation nDollar Yen has risen to stand between R1 of 113 60 and S1 of 113 10 nThe lowest resistance line sees 7 confirmations, and R3 is a 12 month high with 4 matches R2 is backed up by a 50 day moving average and Bollinger Upper Band S1 counts a 20 day moving average among its 7 models S2 is confirmed by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band and 3 other studies, and a psychological level is the only match for S3 nAnd Dollar Swiss Franc finds itself below R1 of 1 01 and above S1 of 1 0070 nR1 is the most confirmed resistance line with 11 models Standing at a 4 year high, R3 has found 6 matches, whereas R2 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, Bollinger Upper Band and 3 other studies S2 is well supported with 11 models, including a 100 day moving average, and S1 counts a 50 day moving average among its 10 matches S3 is a major psychological level with 5 studies nWell, that s how our in-house model tests out this Wednesday Check back in tomorrow for the next overview I m Celeste Skinner , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Wed, Mar 01, 08 25.Good morning traders, it s a new month, and you re watching its first Support and Resistance Level Report Greenback is up across the chart, and Euro Dollar has R1 of 1 0580 and S1 of 1 0550 R1 leads in resistance with 10 models, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 4 matches Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 studies for R3 The highest support line sees 10 confirmations S2 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band, a psychological level and 3 other studies, and S3 is a 4 year low with 5 confirmations The Cable is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 2410 and S1 of 1 2350 Standing at a 100 day moving average, R1 sees 8 confirmations R2 is a psychological level with 4 models, and Bollinger Upper Band is among the 2 studies for R3 S3 leads in support with 4 models, including a 4 year low, whereas S1 counts Price Channel Indicator Lower Line among its 3 matches The second line sees a single confirmation Dollar Yen has risen to stand between R1 of 113 60 and S1 of 113 10 The lowest resistance line sees 7 confirmations, and R3 is a 12 month high with 4 matches R2 is backed up by a 50 day moving average and Bollinger Upper Band S1 counts a 20 day moving average among its 7 models S2 is confirmed by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band and 3 other studies, and a psychological level is the only match for S3 And Dollar Swiss Franc finds itself below R1 of 1 01 and above S1 of 1 0070 R1 is the most confirmed resistance line with 11 models Standing at a 4 year high, R3 has found 6 matches, whereas R2 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, Bollinger Upper Band and 3 other studies S2 is well supported with 11 models, including a 100 day moving average, and S1 counts a 50 day moving average among its 10 matches S3 is a major psychological level with 5 studies Well, that s how our in-house model tests out this Wednesday Check back in tomorrow for the next overview I m Celeste Skinner. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nEuro Dollar has seen a couple of bumps, but it currently has R1 of 1 0610 and S1 of 1 0570 nR1 is well confirmed with 16 models, including a 50 day moving average, and Bollinger Upper Band is among the 2 studies for R3 A 20 day moving average is the only match for R2 S1 leads in support with 15 models, and the second line sees 9 confirmations S3 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band, a psychological level and another study nNext up is the Cable, which stands between R1 of 1 2460 and S1 of 1 2420 nThe lowest resistance line has found 14 matches R2 is backed up by a psychological level, a 20 day moving average and 3 other studies, whereas R3 sees 2 confirmations, namely, Bollinger Upper Band and a 150 day moving average S1 leads in support with 12 models, and S2 is confirmed by a 100 day moving average, Bollinger Lower Band and 6 other studies Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 3 models for S3 nDollar Yen has the closest levels of 112 70 in resistance and 112 30 in support nR1 leads in resistance with 6 studies, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 5 matches Bollinger Upper Band is the only confirmation for R3 The highest support line has found 10 matches, and S2 is a 100 day moving average with 4 models A psychological level is the only confirmation for S3 nAnd Dollar Swiss Franc is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 0090 and S1 of 1 0050 nStanding at a 50 day moving average, R1 is well confirmed with 15 studies R3 is a 4 year high with 6 matches, and R2 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, Bollinger Upper Band and 2 other models S1 counts a 100 day moving average among its 12 studies S2 is supported by a major psychological level, a 20 day moving average and 2 other models, and a 150 day moving average is the only model for S3 nI m Jessica Walker and that s how our in-house model tests out this Tuesday Check back in tomorrow for the next overview Goodbye , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Tue, Feb 28, 07 54.Good morning traders, it s time for this month s last Support and Resistance Level Report Euro Dollar has seen a couple of bumps, but it currently has R1 of 1 0610 and S1 of 1 0570 R1 is well confirmed with 16 models, including a 50 day moving average, and Bollinger Upper Band is among the 2 studies for R3 A 20 day moving average is the only match for R2 S1 leads in support with 15 models, and the second line sees 9 confirmations S3 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band, a psychological level and another study Next up is the Cable, which stands between R1 of 1 2460 and S1 of 1 2420 The lowest resistance line has found 14 matches R2 is backed up by a psychological level, a 20 day moving average and 3 other studies, whereas R3 sees 2 confirmations, namely, Bollinger Upper Band and a 150 day moving average S1 leads in support with 12 models, and S2 is confirmed by a 100 day moving average, Bollinger Lower Band and 6 other studies Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 3 models for S3 Dollar Yen has the closest levels of 112 70 in resistance and 112 30 in support R1 leads in resistance with 6 studies, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 5 matches Bollinger Upper Band is the only confirmation for R3 The highest support line has found 10 matches, and S2 is a 100 day moving average with 4 models A psychological level is the only confirmation for S3 And Dollar Swiss Franc is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 0090 and S1 of 1 0050 Standing at a 50 day moving average, R1 is well confirmed with 15 studies R3 is a 4 year high with 6 matches, and R2 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, Bollinger Upper Band and 2 other models S1 counts a 100 day moving average among its 12 studies S2 is supported by a major psychological level, a 20 day moving average and 2 other models, and a 150 day moving average is the only model for S3 I m Jessica Walker and that s how our in-house model tests out this Tuesday Check back in tomorrow for the next overview Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nThe first pair for this report is the Euro Dollar, which is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 06 and S1 of 1 0560 nR1 has found a total of 9 confirmations and it u2019s a 50 day moving average R3 posts 3 confirmations, including a Bollinger upper band and a price channel indicator upper line A 100 day moving average is one of the 2 matches for R2 S1 leads in support with 13 confirmations S3 is a 4 year low with a total of 6 matches Both Bollinger lower band and a price channel indicator lower line are among the 5 matches for S2 nNext up is the Cable, which stands between R1 of 1 25 and S1 of 1 24 nR1 is backed up by a 20 day moving average, a psychological level and 5 more models R2 follows with 2 matches, including a Bollinger upper band A 150 day moving average is the only confirmation for R3 S1 has 6 matches, including a 100 day moving average and a Bollinger lower band S3 is a psychological level with a total of 3 confirmations and only a price channel indicator lower line is near S2 nDollar Yen has the closest levels of 113 in resistance and 111 90 in support nR1 is confirmed by a 20 day moving average and 5 more models R2 has found 4 matches and a Bollinger upper band is one of them R3 has a 50 day moving average among its 2 confirmations S2 posts 5 confirmations, including a price channel indicator lower line, a Bollinger lower band and a 100 day moving average S1 and S3 both have 2 matches and the lowest line is a psychological level nAnd Dollar Swiss Franc finds itself below R1 of 1 0090 and above S1 of 1 0040 nR1 leads in resistance with 13 confirmations, including a 50 day moving average There are 6 matches for R3, which is a 4 year high R2 has a price channel indicator upper line and a Bollinger upper band among its 4 matches S1 is a 100 day moving average with a total of 12 confirmations S2 follows with 5 matches and a psychological level is one of them Only 2 studies are near S3, which is a 150 day moving average nI u2019m Kiays Khalil and you ve been watching the Support and Resistance Level Report for Monday , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Mon, Feb 27, 08 13.The Dukascopy TV team is back with another Support and Resistance Level Report, where we ll see how our in-house model tests out this Monday The first pair for this report is the Euro Dollar, which is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 06 and S1 of 1 0560 R1 has found a total of 9 confirmations and it s a 50 day moving average R3 posts 3 confirmations, including a Bollinger upper band and a price channel indicator upper line A 100 day moving average is one of the 2 matches for R2 S1 leads in support with 13 confirmations S3 is a 4 year low with a total of 6 matches Both Bollinger lower band and a price channel indicator lower line are among the 5 matches for S2 Next up is the Cable, which stands between R1 of 1 25 and S1 of 1 24 R1 is backed up by a 20 day moving average, a psychological level and 5 more models R2 follows with 2 matches, including a Bollinger upper band A 150 day moving average is the only confirmation for R3 S1 has 6 matches, including a 100 day moving average and a Bollinger lower band S3 is a psychological level with a total of 3 confirmations and only a price channel indicator lower line is near S2 Dollar Yen has the closest levels of 113 in resistance and 111 90 in support R1 is confirmed by a 20 day moving average and 5 more models R2 has found 4 matches and a Bollinger upper band is one of them R3 has a 50 day moving average among its 2 confirmations S2 posts 5 confirmations, including a price channel indicator lower line, a Bollinger lower band and a 100 day moving average S1 and S3 both have 2 matches and the lowest line is a psychological level And Dollar Swiss Franc finds itself below R1 of 1 0090 and above S1 of 1 0040 R1 leads in resistance with 13 confirmations, including a 50 day moving average There are 6 matches for R3, which is a 4 year high R2 has a price channel indicator upper line and a Bollinger upper band among its 4 matches S1 is a 100 day moving average with a total of 12 confirmations S2 follows with 5 matches and a psychological level is one of them Only 2 studies are near S3, which is a 150 day moving average I m Kiays Khalil and you ve been watching the Support and Resistance Level Report for Monday. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nFirst up is the Euro Dollar, which stands between R1 of 1 0610 and S1 of 1 0570 nR1 is well confirmed with 14 models, including a 50 day moving average, and R2 counts a 20 day moving average among its 5 studies R3 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, Bollinger Upper Band and another model S1 leads in support with 14 matches, and S3 is a 4 year low with 6 confirmations Bollinger Lower Band is among the 4 studies for S2 nThe Cable has seen a rise, which leaves it below R1 of 1 26 and above S1 of 1 2530 nThe lower two resistance lines have found 2 matches each, including Bollinger Upper Band for R1 and a 150 day moving average for R2, while Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is the only model for R3 S2 is supported by a 20 day moving average, a psychological level and 5 other studies S3 is backed up by Bollinger Lower Band, a 100 day moving average and 3 other models, and the highest support line sees 3 confirmations nDollar Yen has the closest levels of 113 10 in resistance and 112 60 in support nR1 counts a 20 day moving average among its 8 studies R2 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, a 50 day moving average and another model, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 matches for R3 S2 is backed up by a 100 day moving average, Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band and another model, and the other two support lines see 2 confirmations each S3 is a psychological level nAnd Dollar Swiss Franc has inched lower, as it now has R1 of 1 0080 and S1 of 1 0040 nR1 leads in resistance with 11 models, including a 50 day moving average, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 studies for R2 The highest resistance line sees a single confirmation S1 is well supported by 13 models, including a 100 day moving average S2 is backed up by a 20 day moving average, a major psychological level and 3 other studies, and S3 is a 150 day moving average with 2 matches nYou ve been watching the Support and Resistance Level Report with me, Jessica Walker We ll be back on Monday, but until then, goodbye , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Fri, Feb 24, 08 24.It s time for this week s last Support and Resistance Level Report Here s how our in-house model tests out this Friday First up is the Euro Dollar, which stands between R1 of 1 0610 and S1 of 1 0570 R1 is well confirmed with 14 models, including a 50 day moving average, and R2 counts a 20 day moving average among its 5 studies R3 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, Bollinger Upper Band and another model S1 leads in support with 14 matches, and S3 is a 4 year low with 6 confirmations Bollinger Lower Band is among the 4 studies for S2 The Cable has seen a rise, which leaves it below R1 of 1 26 and above S1 of 1 2530 The lower two resistance lines have found 2 matches each, including Bollinger Upper Band for R1 and a 150 day moving average for R2, while Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is the only model for R3 S2 is supported by a 20 day moving average, a psychological level and 5 other studies S3 is backed up by Bollinger Lower Band, a 100 day moving average and 3 other models, and the highest support line sees 3 confirmations Dollar Yen has the closest levels of 113 10 in resistance and 112 60 in support R1 counts a 20 day moving average among its 8 studies R2 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, a 50 day moving average and another model, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 matches for R3 S2 is backed up by a 100 day moving average, Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band and another model, and the other two support lines see 2 confirmations each S3 is a psychological level And Dollar Swiss Franc has inched lower, as it now has R1 of 1 0080 and S1 of 1 0040 R1 leads in resistance with 11 models, including a 50 day moving average, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 studies for R2 The highest resistance line sees a single confirmation S1 is well supported by 13 models, including a 100 day moving average S2 is backed up by a 20 day moving average, a major psychological level and 3 other studies, and S3 is a 150 day moving average with 2 matches You ve been watching the Support and Resistance Level Report with me, Jessica Walker We ll be back on Monday, but until then, goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nEuro Dollar has recovered some ground and now has R1 of 1 0590 and S1 of 1 0560 nA 50 day moving average is among the 8 studies for R1, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 5 models A 100 day moving average is among the 2 matches for R3 The highest support line sees 6 confirmations, and S3 is a 4 year low with 6 studies Bollinger Lower Band is among the 4 models for S2 nThe Cable has inched higher and now stands between R1 of 1 2460 and S1 of 1 2420 nR1 is the most confirmed resistance line with 13 models R2 is backed up by a 20 day moving average, a psychological level and 8 other studies, and Bollinger Upper Band is among the 2 matches for R3 S1 leads in support with 7 studies S2 is confirmed by Bollinger Lower Band, a 100 day moving average and 3 other models, and Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is the only match for S3 nDollar Yen currently has the closest levels of 113 60 in resistance and 113 20 in support nR1 leads in resistance with 13 models R2 is confirmed by Bollinger Upper Band, a psychological level, a 50 day moving average and 2 other studies, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 matches for R3 Standing near a 20 day moving average, S1 sees 7 confirmations S2 is supported by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band, a 100 day moving average and another model, and a psychological level is the only match for S3 nAnd Dollar Swiss Franc is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 0120 and S1 of 1 0090 nStanding at a 4 year high, R3 sees 7 confirmations, and Bollinger Upper Band is among the 4 models for R1 The second resistance line has found 2 matches S2 is well confirmed with 15 models, including a 100 day moving average, and S1 counts a 50 day moving average among its 10 studies S3 is supported by a psychological level, a 20 day moving average and 3 other models nI m Celeste Skinner and this was the Support and Resistance Level Report for Thursday Check back in tomorrow for the next overview , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Thu, Feb 23, 08 23.You re watching the Support and Resistance Level Report for Thursday Here s how our in-house model tests out today Euro Dollar has recovered some ground and now has R1 of 1 0590 and S1 of 1 0560 A 50 day moving average is among the 8 studies for R1, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 5 models A 100 day moving average is among the 2 matches for R3 The highest support line sees 6 confirmations, and S3 is a 4 year low with 6 studies Bollinger Lower Band is among the 4 models for S2 The Cable has inched higher and now stands between R1 of 1 2460 and S1 of 1 2420 R1 is the most confirmed resistance line with 13 models R2 is backed up by a 20 day moving average, a psychological level and 8 other studies, and Bollinger Upper Band is among the 2 matches for R3 S1 leads in support with 7 studies S2 is confirmed by Bollinger Lower Band, a 100 day moving average and 3 other models, and Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is the only match for S3 Dollar Yen currently has the closest levels of 113 60 in resistance and 113 20 in support R1 leads in resistance with 13 models R2 is confirmed by Bollinger Upper Band, a psychological level, a 50 day moving average and 2 other studies, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 matches for R3 Standing near a 20 day moving average, S1 sees 7 confirmations S2 is supported by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band, a 100 day moving average and another model, and a psychological level is the only match for S3 And Dollar Swiss Franc is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 0120 and S1 of 1 0090 Standing at a 4 year high, R3 sees 7 confirmations, and Bollinger Upper Band is among the 4 models for R1 The second resistance line has found 2 matches S2 is well confirmed with 15 models, including a 100 day moving average, and S1 counts a 50 day moving average among its 10 studies S3 is supported by a psychological level, a 20 day moving average and 3 other models I m Celeste Skinner and this was the Support and Resistance Level Report for Thursday Check back in tomorrow for the next overview. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nEuro Dollar has lost some ground, and it now has R1 of 1 0570 and S1 of 1 0530 nR2 is well confirmed with 15 studies, including a 50 day moving average, and the lowest resistance line has found 8 matches R3 is a 100 day moving average with 2 models S1 is backed up by Bollinger Lower Band, Price Channel Indicator Lower Line and 4 other studies S3 is a 4 year low with 6 matches, and S2 counts a psychological level among its 2 confirmations nThe Cable, on the other hand, is up, and it stands between R1 of 1 2510 and S1 of 1 2470 nR1 is backed up by a psychological level, a 20 day moving average and 9 other models, whereas the other two resistance lines have found 2 matches each, including a 150 day moving average and Bollinger Upper Band for R2 and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line for R3 S1 leads in support with 14 models S2 is confirmed by a 100 day moving average, Bollinger Lower Band and 2 other studies, and Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 2 models for S3 nDollar Yen is trading in the range limited by R1 of 113 70 and S1 of 113 40 nThe lowest resistance line sees 9 confirmations R2 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, a psychological level, a 50 day moving average and another model, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 studies for R3 Standing near a 20 day moving average, S1 is well confirmed with 11 models S2 is supported by Bollinger Lower Band and Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, and a 100 day moving average is the only match for S3 nAnd Dollar Swiss Franc has the closest levels of 1 0110 in resistance and 1 0070 in support nStanding at a 4 year high, R2 sees 7 confirmations R1 is confirmed by Price Channel Indicator Line, Bollinger Upper Band, a 50 day moving average and 3 other models, and a psychological level is the only match for R3 S2 is the most confirmed support line with 17 models, including a 100 day moving average, and the highest support line has found 7 matches S3 is a 150 day moving average with 2 studies nI m Kiays Khalil and that s how our in-house model tests out today Check back in tomorrow for the next overview Goodbye , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Wed, Feb 22, 08 50.Good morning, traders, this is the Dukascopy Support and Resistance Level Report for Wednesday Euro Dollar has lost some ground, and it now has R1 of 1 0570 and S1 of 1 0530 R2 is well confirmed with 15 studies, including a 50 day moving average, and the lowest resistance line has found 8 matches R3 is a 100 day moving average with 2 models S1 is backed up by Bollinger Lower Band, Price Channel Indicator Lower Line and 4 other studies S3 is a 4 year low with 6 matches, and S2 counts a psychological level among its 2 confirmations The Cable, on the other hand, is up, and it stands between R1 of 1 2510 and S1 of 1 2470 R1 is backed up by a psychological level, a 20 day moving average and 9 other models, whereas the other two resistance lines have found 2 matches each, including a 150 day moving average and Bollinger Upper Band for R2 and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line for R3 S1 leads in support with 14 models S2 is confirmed by a 100 day moving average, Bollinger Lower Band and 2 other studies, and Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 2 models for S3 Dollar Yen is trading in the range limited by R1 of 113 70 and S1 of 113 40 The lowest resistance line sees 9 confirmations R2 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, a psychological level, a 50 day moving average and another model, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 studies for R3 Standing near a 20 day moving average, S1 is well confirmed with 11 models S2 is supported by Bollinger Lower Band and Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, and a 100 day moving average is the only match for S3 And Dollar Swiss Franc has the closest levels of 1 0110 in resistance and 1 0070 in support Standing at a 4 year high, R2 sees 7 confirmations R1 is confirmed by Price Channel Indicator Line, Bollinger Upper Band, a 50 day moving average and 3 other models, and a psychological level is the only match for R3 S2 is the most confirmed support line with 17 models, including a 100 day moving average, and the highest support line has found 7 matches S3 is a 150 day moving average with 2 studies I m Kiays Khalil and that s how our in-house model tests out today Check back in tomorrow for the next overview Goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nEuro Dollar has seen a decline, which leaves it between R1 of 1 06 and S1 of 1 0560 nStanding at a 50 day moving average, R1 is well confirmed with 12 models, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 7 studies R3 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, Bollinger Upper Band and another match S1 counts Bollinger Lower Band among its 6 studies, and S3 is a 4 year low with 6 confirmations Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 4 models for S2 nNext up is the Cable, which stands below R1 of 1 2470 and above S1 of 1 2440 nR1 leads in resistance with 13 matches, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 10 studies R3 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band and a 150 day moving average S2 is confirmed by Bollinger Lower Band, a 100 day moving average and 5 other models The highest support line has found 5 matches, and Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 2 studies for S3 nDollar Yen has inched higher, and it now has R1 of 113 70 and S1 of 113 30 nThe lowest resistance line sees 7 confirmations R2 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, a 50 day moving average, a psychological level and 2 other models, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is the only match for R3 Standing at a 20 day moving average, S1 sees 8 confirmations S2 is supported by Bollinger Lower Band, Price Channel Indicator Lower Line and another model, while a 100 day moving average is the only match for S3 nAnd Dollar Swiss Franc is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 0060 and S1 of 1 0030 nR1 leads in resistance with 10 models R2 is confirmed by Bollinger Upper Band, a 50 day moving average and 3 other studies, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 4 studies for R3 S1 is well supported with 21 studies, including a 100 day moving average, while S2 is a major psychological level with 6 matches Standing at a 150 day moving average, S3 sees 2 confirmations nI m Celeste Skinner and this was the Support and Resistance Level Report for Tuesday, but the trading day is just getting started, so stay with Dukascopy TV , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Tue, Feb 21, 08 37.You re watching the Support and Resistance Level Report for Tuesday Here s how our in-house model tests out today Euro Dollar has seen a decline, which leaves it between R1 of 1 06 and S1 of 1 0560 Standing at a 50 day moving average, R1 is well confirmed with 12 models, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 7 studies R3 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, Bollinger Upper Band and another match S1 counts Bollinger Lower Band among its 6 studies, and S3 is a 4 year low with 6 confirmations Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 4 models for S2 Next up is the Cable, which stands below R1 of 1 2470 and above S1 of 1 2440 R1 leads in resistance with 13 matches, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 10 studies R3 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band and a 150 day moving average S2 is confirmed by Bollinger Lower Band, a 100 day moving average and 5 other models The highest support line has found 5 matches, and Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 2 studies for S3 Dollar Yen has inched higher, and it now has R1 of 113 70 and S1 of 113 30 The lowest resistance line sees 7 confirmations R2 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, a 50 day moving average, a psychological level and 2 other models, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is the only match for R3 Standing at a 20 day moving average, S1 sees 8 confirmations S2 is supported by Bollinger Lower Band, Price Channel Indicator Lower Line and another model, while a 100 day moving average is the only match for S3 And Dollar Swiss Franc is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 0060 and S1 of 1 0030 R1 leads in resistance with 10 models R2 is confirmed by Bollinger Upper Band, a 50 day moving average and 3 other studies, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 4 studies for R3 S1 is well supported with 21 studies, including a 100 day moving average, while S2 is a major psychological level with 6 matches Standing at a 150 day moving average, S3 sees 2 confirmations I m Celeste Skinner and this was the Support and Resistance Level Report for Tuesday, but the trading day is just getting started, so stay with Dukascopy TV. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nFirst up is the Euro Dollar, which has the closest levels of 1 0630 in resistance and 1 06 in support nThe lowest resistance line sees 7 confirmations, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 6 studies R3 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, Price Channel Indicator Upper Line and 3 other models Standing at a 50 day moving average, S1 sees 8 confirmations Bollinger Lower Band is among the 6 studies for S2, and S3 counts Price Channel Indicator Lower Line among its 3 models nThe Cable is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 2460 and S1 of 1 24 nStanding at a 20 day moving average, R2 has found 10 matches The lowest resistance line sees 8 confirmations, whereas R3 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, a 150 day moving average and another model S1 leads in support with 4 studies, including Bollinger Lower Band and a 100 day moving average, and S3 is a psychological level with 4 models Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 2 matches for S2 nDollar Yen finds itself below R1 of 113 30 and above S1 of 112 90 nR1 is a 20 day moving average with 6 studies, and R2 is confirmed by Bollinger Upper Band, a psychological level and 2 other models Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 matches for R3 S2 is supported by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band and another model, and the other two lines see 2 confirmations each, including a psychological level for S3 nAnd Dollar Swiss Franc stands between R1 of 1 0050 and S1 of 1 0010 nThe lowest resistance line has found 9 matches, and Bollinger Upper Band is among the 6 studies for R2 R3 is Price Channel Indicator Upper Line with 3 confirmations S1 is supported by a 100 day moving average, a psychological level and 6 other models S2 is a 150 day moving average with 4 confirmations, and Bollinger Lower Band is among the 2 studies for S3 nI m Jessica Walker and that s how our in-house model tests out this Monday morning Stay with us throughout your trading week , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Mon, Feb 20, 08 53.It s a new trading week, and the Dukascopy TV team is here with another Support and Resistance Level Report First up is the Euro Dollar, which has the closest levels of 1 0630 in resistance and 1 06 in support The lowest resistance line sees 7 confirmations, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 6 studies R3 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, Price Channel Indicator Upper Line and 3 other models Standing at a 50 day moving average, S1 sees 8 confirmations Bollinger Lower Band is among the 6 studies for S2, and S3 counts Price Channel Indicator Lower Line among its 3 models The Cable is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 2460 and S1 of 1 24 Standing at a 20 day moving average, R2 has found 10 matches The lowest resistance line sees 8 confirmations, whereas R3 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, a 150 day moving average and another model S1 leads in support with 4 studies, including Bollinger Lower Band and a 100 day moving average, and S3 is a psychological level with 4 models Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 2 matches for S2 Dollar Yen finds itself below R1 of 113 30 and above S1 of 112 90 R1 is a 20 day moving average with 6 studies, and R2 is confirmed by Bollinger Upper Band, a psychological level and 2 other models Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 matches for R3 S2 is supported by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band and another model, and the other two lines see 2 confirmations each, including a psychological level for S3 And Dollar Swiss Franc stands between R1 of 1 0050 and S1 of 1 0010 The lowest resistance line has found 9 matches, and Bollinger Upper Band is among the 6 studies for R2 R3 is Price Channel Indicator Upper Line with 3 confirmations S1 is supported by a 100 day moving average, a psychological level and 6 other models S2 is a 150 day moving average with 4 confirmations, and Bollinger Lower Band is among the 2 studies for S3 I m Jessica Walker and that s how our in-house model tests out this Monday morning Stay with us throughout your trading week. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nEuro Dollar has been trending North, and it now stands below R1 of 1 0690 and above S1 of 1 0650 nR1 counts a 20 day moving average among its 10 models R2 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, Price Channel Indicator Upper Line and 2 other studies, and R3 is a 150 day moving average with 2 matches S1 leads in support with 7 models, and S2 is a 50 day moving average with 7 studies Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 2 matches for S3 nThe Cable has the closest levels of 1 2520 in resistance and 1 2490 in support nStanding at a 20 day moving average, R1 is well confirmed with 11 models R3 counts a 150 day moving average among its 3 matches, and Bollinger Upper Band is the only study for R2 Standing near a psychological level, S1 sees 12 confirmations, and S2 is a 100 day moving average with 3 studies Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 2 models for S3 nDollar Yen has seen a decline, which leaves it between R1 of 113 50 and S1 of 113 10 nR1 counts a 20 day moving average among its 7 studies R2 is backed up by a psychological level, a 50 day moving average, Bollinger Upper Band and another model, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 matches for R3 S2 is supported by Bollinger Lower Band, Price Channel Indicator Lower Line and 4 other studies S3 has found 3 matches, including a 100 day moving average, and the highest support line sees 2 confirmations nAnd Dollar Swiss Franc has slipped below a major psychological level, as it has R1 of 1 and S1 of 0 9970 nR1 counts a very important psychological level among its 7 studies, and Bollinger Upper Band is among the 6 models for R2 R3 is Price Channel Indicator Upper Line with 2 confirmations Standing near a 20 day moving average, S1 has found 6 matches S2 is a 150 day moving average with 4 studies, and Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 3 models for S3 nI m Celeste Skinner and this was the Support and Resistance Level Report for Friday We ll be back on Monday, but until then, goodbye , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Fri, Feb 17, 08 08.It s time for this week s last Support and Resistance Level Report Here s how our in-house model tests out today Euro Dollar has been trending North, and it now stands below R1 of 1 0690 and above S1 of 1 0650 R1 counts a 20 day moving average among its 10 models R2 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, Price Channel Indicator Upper Line and 2 other studies, and R3 is a 150 day moving average with 2 matches S1 leads in support with 7 models, and S2 is a 50 day moving average with 7 studies Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 2 matches for S3 The Cable has the closest levels of 1 2520 in resistance and 1 2490 in support Standing at a 20 day moving average, R1 is well confirmed with 11 models R3 counts a 150 day moving average among its 3 matches, and Bollinger Upper Band is the only study for R2 Standing near a psychological level, S1 sees 12 confirmations, and S2 is a 100 day moving average with 3 studies Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 2 models for S3 Dollar Yen has seen a decline, which leaves it between R1 of 113 50 and S1 of 113 10 R1 counts a 20 day moving average among its 7 studies R2 is backed up by a psychological level, a 50 day moving average, Bollinger Upper Band and another model, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 matches for R3 S2 is supported by Bollinger Lower Band, Price Channel Indicator Lower Line and 4 other studies S3 has found 3 matches, including a 100 day moving average, and the highest support line sees 2 confirmations And Dollar Swiss Franc has slipped below a major psychological level, as it has R1 of 1 and S1 of 0 9970 R1 counts a very important psychological level among its 7 studies, and Bollinger Upper Band is among the 6 models for R2 R3 is Price Channel Indicator Upper Line with 2 confirmations Standing near a 20 day moving average, S1 has found 6 matches S2 is a 150 day moving average with 4 studies, and Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 3 models for S3 I m Celeste Skinner and this was the Support and Resistance Level Report for Friday We ll be back on Monday, but until then, goodbye. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nEuro Dollar has recovered from its losses and now has R1 of 1 0630 and S1 of 1 06 nThe lowest resistance line sees 8 confirmations, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 5 matches R3 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, Bollinger Upper Band and another model Bollinger Lower Band is among the 8 studies for S2, and S1 is a 50 day moving average with 4 matches Standing at a psychological level, S3 sees 2 confirmations nThe Cable is up as well, and it stands between R1 of 1 25 and S1 of 1 2460 nR1 is well confirmed with 14 models, including a psychological level and a 20 day moving average R2 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, a 150 day moving average and 2 other studies, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 models for R3 S1 leads in support with 10 studies, and S2 counts a 100 day moving average among its 4 matches Bollinger Lower Band is among the 4 models for S3 nDollar Yen has inched lower and now finds itself below R1 of 113 90 and above S1 of 113 50 nR1 leads in resistance with 5 studies R2 is backed up by a psychological level, a 50 day moving average and another model, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is the only match for R3 Standing near a 20 day moving average, S1 sees 5 confirmations, and the second line has found 4 matches S3 is supported by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band and another model nAnd Dollar Swiss Franc is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 0050 and S1 of 1 0020 nR1 is the most confirmed resistance line with 9 models R2 counts Bollinger Upper Band among its 4 matches, while R3 sees 3 confirmations, including Price Channel Indicator Upper Line and a 50 day moving average Standing at a 100 day moving average, S1 has found 8 matches S2 is supported by a psychological level, a 20 day moving average and 6 other studies, and S3 is a 150 day moving average with 5 models nAnd that s how our in-house model tests out this Thursday morning I m Jessica Walker and we ll be back tomorrow with the next overview See you then , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Thu, Feb 16, 08 28.Good morning traders, you re watching the Dukascopy Support and Resistance Level Report for Thursday Euro Dollar has recovered from its losses and now has R1 of 1 0630 and S1 of 1 06 The lowest resistance line sees 8 confirmations, and R2 is a 20 day moving average with 5 matches R3 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Upper Line, Bollinger Upper Band and another model Bollinger Lower Band is among the 8 studies for S2, and S1 is a 50 day moving average with 4 matches Standing at a psychological level, S3 sees 2 confirmations The Cable is up as well, and it stands between R1 of 1 25 and S1 of 1 2460 R1 is well confirmed with 14 models, including a psychological level and a 20 day moving average R2 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, a 150 day moving average and 2 other studies, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 models for R3 S1 leads in support with 10 studies, and S2 counts a 100 day moving average among its 4 matches Bollinger Lower Band is among the 4 models for S3 Dollar Yen has inched lower and now finds itself below R1 of 113 90 and above S1 of 113 50 R1 leads in resistance with 5 studies R2 is backed up by a psychological level, a 50 day moving average and another model, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is the only match for R3 Standing near a 20 day moving average, S1 sees 5 confirmations, and the second line has found 4 matches S3 is supported by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band and another model And Dollar Swiss Franc is trading in the range limited by R1 of 1 0050 and S1 of 1 0020 R1 is the most confirmed resistance line with 9 models R2 counts Bollinger Upper Band among its 4 matches, while R3 sees 3 confirmations, including Price Channel Indicator Upper Line and a 50 day moving average Standing at a 100 day moving average, S1 has found 8 matches S2 is supported by a psychological level, a 20 day moving average and 6 other studies, and S3 is a 150 day moving average with 5 models And that s how our in-house model tests out this Thursday morning I m Jessica Walker and we ll be back tomorrow with the next overview See you then. Add to playlist Added to playlist. nEuro Dollar has seen a drop, and it now stands between R1 of 1 06 and S1 of 1 0560 nStanding at a 20 day moving average, R2 sees 7 confirmations, and R1 is a 50 day moving average with 5 matches A 100 day moving average is among the 4 models for R3 Standing at a 4 year low, S3 sees 7 confirmations, and Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 4 models for S1 A psychological level is the only match for S2 nThe Cable is down as well, and it finds itself below R1 of 1 25 and above S1 of 1 2460 nR1 is well confirmed with 16 studies, including a 20 day moving average and a psychological level R2 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, a 150 day moving average and 2 other models, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 matches for R3 The highest support line sees 6 confirmations, and S2 is a 100 day moving average with 3 models Bollinger Lower Band is among the 2 studies for S3 nDollar Yen, on the other hand, has gained some ground, and it has R1 of 114 50 and S1 of 114 nR2 is backed up by a 50 day moving average, a psychological level and another model The lowest resistance line sees 2 confirmations, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is the only match for R3 Standing at a 20 day moving average, S2 sees 5 confirmations The highest support line has found 4 matches, and S3 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band and another model nAnd Dollar Swiss Franc has the closest levels of 1 0080 in resistance and 1 0050 in support nBollinger Upper Band is among the 4 models for R1, and R2 counts Price Channel Indicator Upper Line among its 2 studies The highest resistance line sees a single confirmation S1 leads in support with 9 studies S2 is backed up by a major psychological level, a 100 day moving average and 6 other models, and S3 is a 150 day moving average with 8 matches nI m Celeste Skinner and that s how our in-house model tests out today We ll be back tomorrow with the next overview, so see you then , lang en class tvvideoissue videoTitle0.Support and Resistance. Support and Resistance. Wed, Feb 15, 07 58.Good morning traders, the Dukascopy TV team is here with Wednesday s Support and Resistance Level Report Euro Dollar has seen a drop, and it now stands between R1 of 1 06 and S1 of 1 0560 Standing at a 20 day moving average, R2 sees 7 confirmations, and R1 is a 50 day moving average with 5 matches A 100 day moving average is among the 4 models for R3 Standing at a 4 year low, S3 sees 7 confirmations, and Price Channel Indicator Lower Line is among the 4 models for S1 A psychological level is the only match for S2 The Cable is down as well, and it finds itself below R1 of 1 25 and above S1 of 1 2460 R1 is well confirmed with 16 studies, including a 20 day moving average and a psychological level R2 is backed up by Bollinger Upper Band, a 150 day moving average and 2 other models, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is among the 2 matches for R3 The highest support line sees 6 confirmations, and S2 is a 100 day moving average with 3 models Bollinger Lower Band is among the 2 studies for S3 Dollar Yen, on the other hand, has gained some ground, and it has R1 of 114 50 and S1 of 114 R2 is backed up by a 50 day moving average, a psychological level and another model The lowest resistance line sees 2 confirmations, and Price Channel Indicator Upper Line is the only match for R3 Standing at a 20 day moving average, S2 sees 5 confirmations The highest support line has found 4 matches, and S3 is backed up by Price Channel Indicator Lower Line, Bollinger Lower Band and another model And Dollar Swiss Franc has the closest levels of 1 0080 in resistance and 1 0050 in support Bollinger Upper Band is among the 4 models for R1, and R2 counts Price Channel Indicator Upper Line among its 2 studies The highest resistance line sees a single confirmation S1 leads in support with 9 studies S2 is backed up by a major psychological level, a 100 day moving average and 6 other models, and S3 is a 150 day moving average with 8 matches I m Celeste Skinner and that s how our in-house model tests out today We ll be back tomorrow with the next overview, so see you then. 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